Additional Events

Tuesday 5 May 2015

Planting GMO-free soy in Berlin

On May 5 at 3pm we will plant GMO-free soy on the 2000m2 global field in Berlin. Join the event together with Danube Soya and Save Our Seeds

Taking a stand for GMO-free soy

Soy is often genetically modified, cultivated in monoculture and transported halfway across the globe in order to be fed to animals. Together with our partners Danube soya, Eurosivo and Save Our Seeds we will discuss the promotion of GMO-free soybean cultivation in Europe and particularly in Brandenburg.

The 2000 m² global field in Berlin

The 2000 m² project is based on the idea that if we were to divide the global surface of arable land by the number of people on the planet, we would each get 2000 m². On the first German field in Berlin the project is planting crops to feed one person with including several guests. 

Please see pictures here!

Friday 8th May 2015

Public Reading: Tanja Busse "Die Wegwerfkuh"

Tanja Busse presents her new book about resource depletion and overuse in our current agricultural system. The event is taking place in German.

Die Wegwerfkuh - Lesung mit Dr. Tanja Busse (only for German speaking guests)

Organised by: Zukunftsstiftung Landwirtschaft und GLS Bank Berlin

Es erwartet Sie eine interessante Lesung und spannende Diskussion mit Dr. Tanja Busse, Autorin von "Die Wegwerfkuh" und Kirsten Wosnitza, Milchbäuerin und Landesteamleiterin im Bundesverband Deutscher Milchviehhalter e.V. (BDM) für Schleswig-Holstein.

Location: GLS Bank Berlin, Schumannstraße 10, 10117 Berlin
Time: 17:30 Uhr

Content: Die deutsche Landwirtschaft produziert immer mehr Milch, Fleisch und Eier in immer kürzerer Zeit. Die Effizienz scheint ihr bestes Argument zu sein. Nur mit den Methoden der Agrarindustrie könne man neun Milliarden Menschen ernähren, behaupten deren Anhänger. Doch diese Hochleistungslandwirtschaft ist eine Verschwendungs- und Vernichtungslandwirtschaft. In ihrem neuen Buch "Die Wegwerfkuh" belässt Dr. Tanja Busse es nicht bei der schonungslosen Kritik der Missstände und Abhängigkeiten, sondern zeigt auch Wege zu einer nachhaltigen Landwirtschaft auf.
Moderation: Werner Landwehr, Regionalleiter der GLS Bank Berlin

Registration: Hier geht es zur Anmeldung.


Saturday 9 May 2015


Organised by Foundation on Future Farming/Save Our Seeds

Purpose: to get an impression of the GMO-free countryside in Brandenburg. The trip will start and end in Berlin. We will visit the farmer Ralf Behring, who was part of the anti-GMO movement in the region since the early 1990s. His farm was awarded with the "Förderpreis Ökologischer Landbau" and belongs to the "Demonstrationsbetriebe", that is model farms of organic farming in Germany. A guided tour in English from 10:30 am to 2 pm will take us around his 150 hectares of land with fields, grasslands, forest and fruit tree orchards. His farm is located in a beautiful scenery, has over 100 old buildings and 200 sheep (ewe).

Start/Finish: Car rental near Moritzplatz, Prinzenstr. 90-91, 10969 Berlin
Time: 8:45 am to 3 pm (departure at 9 am)
Location: Behringhof, Berliner Str. 23b, 16259 Höhenland-Leuenberg; 40 km northeast of Berlin (
Lunch: 12 to 1 pm; Vegetarian, organic sandwiches and fruit is offered by “Globus Naturkost” at the farm

Cost: about 35 € per person

The trip will be accompanied by Akiko Frid, who will translate from English to Japanese.

If you are interested to attend the workshop, please contact:

What Can GMO Scientists Learn from Activists and GMO Activists Learn from Scientists?

Hosted by the Bioscience Resource Project and ENSSER

Purpose: to increase understanding between and perhaps the cooperation of campaigners/activists and scientists. The workshop will be broadly relevant to anyone working to protect public health and the environment with respect to toxics, food, GMOs and agriculture. We hope that the discussion will have strategic, democratic and forward-thinking dimensions.

Workshop on Saturday 9th May
Location: The ENSSER office, Marienstrasse 19/20, 10117 Berlin, Door bell 740
Timing: 9am to 12noon (please come a little early if you would like tea or coffee!)
Lunch: Vegetarian lunch is offered at NABU, which is around the corner (Suggested donation: 10Euros).
Lunch venue: Charitestraße 3, 10117 Berlin

The Workshop will be introduced by Jonathan Latham, Executive Director of the Bioscience Resource Project and by Diederich Sprangers of ENSSER.

This event is Free.

If you are interested to attend the workshop, please contact: